Works On PaperShadowgraph
  • Shadowgraph #5, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2007
  • Shadowgraph #1, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2007
  • Shadowgraph #2, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2007
  • Shadowgraph #4, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2007
  • Shadowgraph #6, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2007
  • Shadowgraph #8, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2007
  • Shadowgraph #10, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2008
  • Shadowgraph #11, 33" X 33", Charcoal & acrylic, 2008

Artist Statement - Shadowgraph

In the Shadowgraph series, I have introduced charcoal as a primary medium, limited the number of shapes, and accentuated the contrasts between wispy, blurred contours to simpler, clear cut forms I think of as “soft geometrics”. The appeal of charcoal is that it enables me to work from the inside out, in slow, successive applications to gradually form subtle shapes and delicate, nuanced edges.

The relationship between an object and its shadow is not always evident. My treatment of this correlation tends to make the connection between the two highly tenuous and uncertain. A shadow form may become a nearly autonomous shape departing radically from its corresponding object, or it may cease to be a visual echo altogether. Tracking the shadow back to its “logical source” can be problematic - of what object is it the shadow? The result of such ambiguities, variously humorous, unsettling or bizarre, offers wide latitude for invention.

- Paula Elliott, 2008